Wednesday, June 7, 2017

He Knows

More and more, the benefits of taking time out of my day to exercise...alone...are so much more than improving health or losing weight.  I believe I've mentioned this in an earlier blog, but as I walk, I am listening to a praise and worship playlist on Spotify.  A lot of times, the songs go in and out (just like people's advice, but last night, a song I had never heard spoke to my heart at just the right time...thanks, Lord:) The song is entitled 'He Knows', by Dan Bremnes (check it out).  But before I continue, let me give a little background.

My daughter just finished up her Junior year of HS, which obviously means she's now a SENIOR!!  I'm having some trouble comprehending how this happened because just yesterday, I was taking her for a one year checkup, right?!  It has been a sort of inner struggle within me for the past few that I've pretty well kept silent...except between me and Him.  I've prayed, I've cried, I've wondered what twists and turns her life will soon take.  AND...more tears came as she pulled out of our driveway last night while I was out walking. She was headed to a friends house for the night, so I stopped to hug her and tell her the infamous, "I love you...act like you know you should"!  As I walked on and watched that car drive away, the future hit me like a ton of bricks.  In the not so far off, that car will drive away for good.  She'll head off into the great BIG world and chase her dreams. My heart will shatter into a million pieces.

As I continued to walk, having a pity party (hoping my neighbors would think it was sweat, not tears, streaming down my face), 'He Knows' played through my earbuds.  The last line of the chorus says, "just let go and trust Him, 'cause He knows".  There will come a day (soon) where I will just have to let go.  I'll let go of that precious baby girl that I literally grew up with and allow her to find her wings.  I will be broken and full of tears, but I know that "He knows".  What a friend we have in Jesus.  So, be Him...'cause He knows:)

Monday, May 29, 2017

God's Blessed the USA

Today's blog post is short and sweet (like me!! lol). I just want to take a minute and say "THANKS!" to our military...ALL of them...past, present, and even those to come!  One of our great family friends, Bruce Haynes, penned the words to a great American tribute called  "I Wouldn't Trade America for the World", and my favorite line of the tune is..."She may be battle-scarred, but She's been a good ole Girl, I wouldn't trade America for the world."  How true!  Though America has declined in Her morals and ethics over the past several years, we still live in the greatest country in the world.  As Christians and fellow citizens, may we hold America up in prayer...for the sake of ourselves, and most importantly the next generation!

2 Chronicles 7:14New International Version (NIV)

14 if my people, who are called by my name,will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgivetheir sin and will heal their land.

So, Happy Memorial Day 2017!  Land of the free because of the brave!!  ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸

Saturday, May 20, 2017

"Don't Do They"

Well, the NBA playoffs are hot and heavy right now!!  If you're a basketball fan such as me, you've probably heard of OKC's Russell Westbrook.

Russell currently has a Mt. Dew commercial entitled "Don't Do They".  At the beginning of the commercial, Westbrook states all these things "they" tell you NOT to do, yet simultaneously, the commercial shows RW DOING the exact things "they" say NOT to do!!! (sound familiar?)

At the end of the commercial, Westbrook says, "don't do you"...point being: be yourself!  (Russell Westbrook is DEFINITELY NOT a people pleaser, but a self pleaser...a "do you" person).

That last line of the commercial intrigued me the other day.  I DO get the point of the commercial, and I totally agree that we should do us and not "they";  however, I really want to "do Him".  In the Bible, Ephesians 5:1 says, "Be imitators of God...".  How easy it is for us to be whom our flesh desires, but to be an imitator of!  So, let me encourage us all to dig a little deeper into the Word and figure out HOW God is, in efforts that we may imitate Him!  Don't do they, don't do you, but "do Him"!

Love Life!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I've Got A LOT of Catching Up To Do!

So, it's been a while...oh, who am I kidding?!'s been YEARS since I last posted a blog!  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it seems to still be a "thing", so here we go...take 2!

A LOT has changed over the last few years.  One of the major milestones for me personally was the addition of a vehicle AND individual on my insurance!  Yes, Kayelee is driving...has been for over a year now!  My, my, my how I've had to trust the Lord (especially concerning my nerves!).  Thankfully, Kayelee is a VERY responsible teen and has a great driving record thus far (do we knock on wood now or later?!)  This was a HUGE deal for her (how well I remember), but a "HUGER" deal for me!  Did I mention I've had to trust the Lord?  It's a bit like that game we used to play as kids...the trust game.  We'd fall back and trust that the catcher was going to catch us, not leaving us to slam backwards to the ground.  These types of milestones in life are the "fall backs".  We have to completely trust that God will do the catching.  You see, we can't always protect/shelter/smother our kids...and when you think about it, there's not much in life we CAN control. We can only guide and trust...not in ourselves...but God!  His safety net is the strongest one out there, so I choose to trust in His ability to "keep that which I've committed...".  It's funny how we can learn deep life lessons from near whiplash and skyrocketing auto insurance!

Word of the blog:  TRUST

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I TRUST."
Psalm 91:1-2


Kayelee and her new ride, shortly before her 16th birthday.  This, THIS is why I have to TRUST ;)!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Today was the first day of school for the kids!  Kayelee is in 7th grade, and Ri is in 3rd!!  We had a GREAT morning and for that I am thankful!  Gone are the days of having to "help" them get ready...sad, but true!  We even had time for the infamous "first day of school" pic.  I pray that God will give them an awesome year, with fun, friendships, and loads of learning. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Well, 2012 has made its entrance!!  Yesterday, which was New Year's Eve, we celebrated more than just the new year, but Christmas again as well!!  We traveled all the way to the big metropolis of Selmer, TN to celebrate with Scott's sister, Brandi, and her family.  It was a great day with unseasonable weather, which we really enjoyed.  The kids (my two and Brandi's son) took a trip through the woods and shot many guns...don't worry, JUST BB guns and airsoft guns.  They had a good time, and so did the adults. I didn't have my camera, but thankfully Kayelee I can share SOME of the pics from the day:)
Scott, his mom Connie, and sister Brandi

Kayelee, Ri, and Lake

Having some silly fun!

Kayelee shooting her BB gun

Ri shooting his BB gun

...and Lake shooting one of his MANY

The kids getting ready to explore in the woods

SO, as you can was had by ALL!!

As night came along, Caudill/Crawford time was had for the first time in what seems like many months!!  We brought in the New Year with lots of food and game-playing here at Caudill Casa.  We are thankful for them and glad that we were able to bring in the new year together! 
Ri and Jake...teamwork

Jake and Scott...rules being explained...not sure they were understood by Scott though HA!

Scott and I right at midnight!

Me and my pretty girl:)


Somehow the guys ALWAYS win...i think they cheat

Kailyn and Kayelee getting in on the fun

Dawn and I...New Year's Eve

The guys playing 'BUZZ WORD'

...back to being silly

the boys did NOT want their pictures made!

So, goodbye 2011, and hello 2012...THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR BLESSINGS ON ME!!

Monday, December 26, 2011


Hey guys!...It's been a while since I've posted, so thought I would try and catch up.  LOTS of things have been going on with the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.  By the way, it's the most wonderful time of the year!  While keeping Christ in the center of our focus, we've had lots of family time and fellowship going on.  We began the Christmas gatherings at my Grandmother's house in Hornbeak!  There, we met with my mom's side of the family (well, all that COULD attend). 

Then, after leaving my Grandmother's abode, we traveled ALL the way to Union City (haha) to my parent's house.  There, we had Christmas with my immediate family, which is growing quite large.  Grandchild # 7 should make their appearance in April if all goes as planned.  And no, I'm not the mother, my sis-in-law, Kim is!!

After much fun there, we went home and "Santa" had made an early visit to Caudill Casa!!  So, we let the kids open their gifts on Christmas Eve night this year...with no objection from them!  Kayelee and Ri read the Christmas story with their Dad.  We do this every year:)  The kids got lots of things that they have been wanting, and it makes my heart glad to see them happy!  We are very blessed and thankful for all that we have.  We are MOST thankful that we know the reason in which we have all of these gatherings, gifts, and festivities....JESUS...He truly is the reason for the season!

So, from our family to yours....MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!