Monday, December 26, 2011


Hey guys!...It's been a while since I've posted, so thought I would try and catch up.  LOTS of things have been going on with the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.  By the way, it's the most wonderful time of the year!  While keeping Christ in the center of our focus, we've had lots of family time and fellowship going on.  We began the Christmas gatherings at my Grandmother's house in Hornbeak!  There, we met with my mom's side of the family (well, all that COULD attend). 

Then, after leaving my Grandmother's abode, we traveled ALL the way to Union City (haha) to my parent's house.  There, we had Christmas with my immediate family, which is growing quite large.  Grandchild # 7 should make their appearance in April if all goes as planned.  And no, I'm not the mother, my sis-in-law, Kim is!!

After much fun there, we went home and "Santa" had made an early visit to Caudill Casa!!  So, we let the kids open their gifts on Christmas Eve night this year...with no objection from them!  Kayelee and Ri read the Christmas story with their Dad.  We do this every year:)  The kids got lots of things that they have been wanting, and it makes my heart glad to see them happy!  We are very blessed and thankful for all that we have.  We are MOST thankful that we know the reason in which we have all of these gatherings, gifts, and festivities....JESUS...He truly is the reason for the season!

So, from our family to yours....MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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