Saturday, May 20, 2017

"Don't Do They"

Well, the NBA playoffs are hot and heavy right now!!  If you're a basketball fan such as me, you've probably heard of OKC's Russell Westbrook.

Russell currently has a Mt. Dew commercial entitled "Don't Do They".  At the beginning of the commercial, Westbrook states all these things "they" tell you NOT to do, yet simultaneously, the commercial shows RW DOING the exact things "they" say NOT to do!!! (sound familiar?)

At the end of the commercial, Westbrook says, "don't do you"...point being: be yourself!  (Russell Westbrook is DEFINITELY NOT a people pleaser, but a self pleaser...a "do you" person).

That last line of the commercial intrigued me the other day.  I DO get the point of the commercial, and I totally agree that we should do us and not "they";  however, I really want to "do Him".  In the Bible, Ephesians 5:1 says, "Be imitators of God...".  How easy it is for us to be whom our flesh desires, but to be an imitator of!  So, let me encourage us all to dig a little deeper into the Word and figure out HOW God is, in efforts that we may imitate Him!  Don't do they, don't do you, but "do Him"!

Love Life!!!

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