Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sweet Summertime

Well, today is it....the last full day of school for my kiddos:(  I will soon be the parent of a middle-schooler and a 2nd grader!  WOW!  Where does the time go????  It is a bittersweet time though.  I am so thankful that my kids are healthy and thriving and able to move on.  I'm not really worried about the elementary school to middle school transition for Kayelee.  Although I know it will be different, with new classes and greater challenges, I KNOW that she will do well!  Ri will move ahead in elementary school and I have been involved with that school so long, I have absolutely no worries for him either.  And though I know my kids will adjust to whatever changes the new school year will bring, it saddens me at the same time.  I still rememeber fresh the memories of my kids as babies and toddlers.  How I miss those days sometimes.  Yes, I am a realist and know that they MUST grow up, but couldn't it take a little longer for the growing up process?  I mean, I birthed them just yesterday, right?  HAHA.  But it's been a great year and I am looking forward to summertime!  Scott and I both work full-time, but we still get to take days off throughout the summer and see them enjoy a break.  Just another one of life's blessings:)  <3 Life!!

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